Just finished a meeting with Pastor Jackson and his colleagues. The meeting was wonderful and productive. They were most welcoming and very receptive to the our project. These honourable men try and help their respective communities to the best of their abilities day in day out. It is an honour to be able to work with these influential societal leaders. We look forward to work together with members of their respective congregations to help the Internally displaced and refugees they so adamantly try and care for. Additionally, a member of the Rwandan refugee community in Brazzaville joined us for a meeting and shared with us her touching story. We hope to be able to be active in Brazzaville soon to help Rwandans that have travelled far and encountered danger and threat on their path. We will update you if there are any further developments with the congregation and community. In the meantime, we thank them wholeheartedly for their welcome and for their helping hand.
